Jiachen Li

Jiachen is a fifth-year Ph.D. student in the UIUC ECE department, supervised by Prof.Humphrey Shi. Before that, he obtained his B.S. from the EE department at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His research areas are mainly on computer vision and machine learning.


  • [2024.05] CuMo is released with codes and models.
  • [2023.11] VIM and codes are released
  • [2023.10] Two papers accepted by WACV 2024
  • [2023.06] Our new work Matting Anything is released as a unified image matting solution with user prompts as guidance.
  • [2023.05] Two papers accepted by CVPRW 2023
  • [2023.03] Two papers accepted by CVPR 2023
  • [2022.08] Check out our new work VMFormer, project page and codes are released.